April 2024 Newsletter


Serving the Homeless with a focus on the most needy, unsheltered, underserved, with God as our guide.


Record Rainfall!

Our unsheltered Homeless brothers and sisters search for cover as Dallas endures record rainfall of more than 14 inches since March 1st.

Sunday 28th; after morning worship service nine of us packed four vehicles and headed toward downtown Dallas. The break in rainfall brought several hundred folks out looking for food, clothing, and more. We were blessed to share God’s love with more than 100 men and women in downtown Dallas. We supplied dry clothes to many by passing out 286 articles of clothing, including underwear, bras, t-shirts, pants, and socks. We ran out of bags at 100 along with 110 hamburgers, 25 ladies’ backpacks, 5 sleeping bags, 6 large blankets, 7 raincoats, and 2 bags for dogs.

One small glitch…we had our four vehicles in a parking lot and were told to leave the lot and that the police were on their way. We had a huge line of folks desperately needing what we had to offer. We kept going and I spoke to the kind DPD officers when they arrived on the scene. One of them saw what we were doing and said, “I don’t understand the problem, you’re out here helping people”.  They bought us a few more minutes of time and then we moved to a different area.

On this Sunday we saw fear, pain, desperation, and hunger. Our presence was rewarded though by many appreciative men and women thanking us for our kindness and caring. This was a good day!

 Please say a prayer for these listed.

Ruby-58, Jose-36, Hai-33, Collette-55, Juan-53, Christian-22, Salief-75, Nana-59, Keith, Anita-36, Allen-53, Richelle-29 for baby, Fred-48, Jesus-21, Anthony-53, Rebeka-43, Ruby-50, Troy-46, Demond-47, Chris-42, Yolanda-49, Kyle-32, Jason-41, Theola-58, Victoria-47, John-47, Calvin-65, Edward Damichael-29, Angela-53, Frank-60, Amando-65, Robert-35, Armadu-38, Cecil-34, Isaiah-36,  Auhday-22, Aneacho-59, Ofehia-63, Sara-53, Bill, Kevin-38, Nathan-44 prayers to get out of this place, Montez-53 massive health problems, Larry-49, Halle, Melody-41, Sunny-38, latasha-35, Demetra-57, Jonathan-39 & dog Lo, Stephen-47, Frank-67, Sheron-59, Mohammed-29, Marvin-40, Michelle-51, John-41, Billy-56, Johnny-32, Stephanie-30, Linda-40, Antonette-34, Billy-65, Linda-62, Robert, Judifuela for life, Dante-34 housing, Robert-38, Chris-46 for kids Carly & Conner, Hope-39, Victory-47 for stability, Thomas-31 positive progress, Maurice-28 job & car, Xavier-28 job & security, Shug-33 whatever, James-40, Daniel-46 for the earth, Gary, Emily-46, Kwan-55 to get better, Garry-54 health, The Gabriel for James 1:5-8, Koby-36, Anthony-34, Jermaine-53 better world, Yovany, Reynaldo, Jason-26, Reginald-58 for wealth, Bryan-49, William-66 for job, Mike-57 health, Joe-70, Gregory-53, Simon-48, Destin—32, Enrica-50, Andy-62 & dog Mozach, Angel-45 get back to California, Khayan-23 phone, and Alfred-62.   

April Volunteers

Saturday 27th. group of wonderful volunteers assembled and filled bags.. Donna Broughton, David & Dani Cartwright, Bob & Bonnie Cawthon, Mary Cortez, Anita Davis, Deb Faulkner, Nona & Bob Flye, Bill & Sue Hendricks, Gerald & Bobby Hill, Lynn Lackey, Renie McClelland, Sheryl Poyer, Cristen Rocha, Gayle Staggs, Tom Thi, and Margaret Witherspoon.

Sunday 28th. Outreach team  Bob & Bonnie Cawthon, Ed Darrell, Mindy Drum, Gina Gregor, Linda Higgins, Jim Lackey, Gayle Staggs, and Kelly Valencia..  

There are several ways you can help.

We are always in need of clean men’s and ladies’ shirts, tops, pants, sweaters, coats, socks, bras, caps, and new underwear. We especially need men’s pants, jeans, and shorts in sizes 30 to 38. Shoes & boots suitable for outdoor wear, blankets, sleeping bags, & tents            

Assembling and filling Bags and Ladies’ backpacks. This is generally done one Saturday each month, and is a fun time of fellowship. Email or call me for more details.                                                      

Sorting clothes. People are responding to our need for clean or new clothing items. Volunteers are much needed to help sort, size, and organize these items.  We meet in our fellowship hall every Monday morning from 9:00 to 10:30, and always appreciate help.                                                                             

Financial contributions.  Your continued financial contributions will allow us to continue this ministry and share God’s love with others.

Feel free to contact me regarding donations or other questions.

Bob Cawthon | bob.cawthon@gmail.com  | 214-213-9320  

Bob’s Bags is a self-supporting ministry of:                                                                     

First Christian Church of Duncanville                                                                            

203 S. Main St. Duncanville, Texas 75116                                  

fccduncanville.org  BobsBags.org


Street People